Tuesday, January 8, 2008

In with the new

We celebrated the end of 2007 with some good friends; playing games and eating like it might not be allowed next year. The dads and the kids watched the NY ball drop at "midnight" - 10 p.m. - and then the little people did a bubble wrap stomp to ring in the new year!

The Christmas lights and decorations are put away. The house feels bare but clean. I'm looking forward to wrapping up in a blanket and reading a few good books during this snowy January.

Here we are with this new year before us. We'll be musing over our resolutions for a few weeks...they will surely include abandoning food altogether, regular physical exertion, more zeal for FHE, scriptures & family prayer.
Here's to you and your resolutions! Happy New Year!


Amy Jones said...

I need to say thank you, Am. Only you know why. :)