Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009: Year of Adventure

Emma, Abbie, and I decided to start the new year with an adventure. We settled on a nature hike in Saratoga Springs.
Above: Emma & Abbie by the hot spring.
When we were finished hiking around, we noticed that there were several fisherman down on the Jordan River. So we went to check it out.
To our delight, we discovered that those fisherman have been boring holes through the ice all up and down that river.

So we went for a stroll...

...up the river and out onto Utah Lake. Which is also covered by ice (and fishing holes).

Such fun!

Some fishermen were more successful than others, we watched the guy who caught these pull one out every minute or so. We had a really fun time discovering something new. After all, it's not every day that you get to walk on water.


Rod and Jess said...

What a cute and FUN family you are! I love reading your posts! I love that you got to "walk on water!" You're going to be exalted sooner than you think! :)
Happy New Year!

Jodi Jo said...

That's awesome! Maybe I will send Damon over there with the kids.

Cherilyn said...

That's so cool! I wish I could do something like that! Love you guys!

AMIT said...

Thats really pretty.
BPO work from home

Craig and Carol said...

Looks like fun. . . and I assume nobody stepped in
one of those holes? Forever a mom and a grandma.
Cute pictures! Love you all!

Amye Kay said...

I have always wanted to walk on frozen water and see ice holes. How cool. I hope Christmas went well. Love you!

Adam and Bri said...

I love that picture of Emma and Ben. Her little leg up like that is too adorable.

Oh, and we're home, by the way. Let's get together (yeah, yeah, yeah).